So, I used to be one of those people, but have since changed my mind. I’m so frustrated with both myself for thinking the way I have and for what I may have done or said to those who are simply trying to live their truth in the way they see fit. I am no longer of this opinion, and am so thankful I really didn’t open my mouth much to talk about this because of the literal sh**storm that would ensue if I did. I’m not quiet now, and I support the entire movement. What would you say to someone like me who is “new” to the movement and who is still very solidly in the closet to those in my personal life about all things not biblically “sound” christian theology? Please do not judge, I accept responsiblity for my prior opinions. I wrote a post about if you need further detail but won’t write much more than this at this moment. (it’s late and I’m tired)